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My Week In Pictures #3

Hi Guys,

So... This has been a bit of a break. And guess what? I'm in Holland! Recently it seems like I'm not in one place for more than two weeks and that means that blogging has been taking a back seat in favour of being less stressed and more stable! 

I thought that my first post after this break should be a My Week in Pictures post before I do last month's Five Favourites, so you guys know what I've been up to! So here we go! 

My Dad came and stayed for a week at my house with my littlest brother and his mum. It was pretty packed in my house with a hyper 6 and a half year old and a 19 month old competing for attention but it was nice to have everyone staying to keep me company!

We did a few things, like the Sealife Centre and shopping, and the weather was ok-ish, we had a couple of really nice days, and then we all came back over to Holland together.

As you probably know, I only passed my driving test in September, so it was kind of a big deal me driving all the way over here and on the other side of the road! I wasn't nervous though because I rode a moped for four years in Spain on the right, but as soon as I came out of the ferry port I nearly went straight onto the left!

Lovely hot weather, I was loving it!

My boyfriend FINALLY (after well over two years of
nagging) let me get a new Hoover. He had his last one since
before we met and it was heavy and the wheel kept coming
off... So hello Henry!

Being a passenger for the first time in ages! My Dad's car is a
left hand drive from Holland. It was nice to be driven for a change!

The Sealife Centre - I love this place, I need to go
to more aquariums... Bigger and better ones!

I finally made the investment - Estee Lauder Double
Wear in Ecru

Yuck, early morning getting up for Holland. I'm so not an
early morning person, we were meant to be leaving at 6:30 but
of course I was running half an hour late... 

Beautiful Dutch tulips!

This road symbolises Holland to me, I remember it from when I
was 14 visiting my Dad and seeing all the wind turbines on this road
going to a from the airport!

I leave the gloomy English weather to find this on my Dad's terrace
this morning, I hate rain... Typical!

So this is my Week in Pictures and what I've been up to! Tomorrow I should have my Five Favourites up for April, even though it was a bit of a meh month! And then after that I have some nails and makeup posts planned. And I have my camera to take pictures of things I might potentially buy here. I brought some polish with me to swatch if I have time, but if today is anything to go by, Caleb thinks that he should only have a half an hour nap instead of his usual two hours, so I probably won't have time! 

See you tomorrow!

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