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What's Been Going On Around Here...

Hi Guys,

I feel like every post I write is an apology these days! I really haven't been blogging as much as I'd like to recently. My boyfriend went away on Wednesday morning and then I had a friend stay from Wednesday afternoon until Friday. So I've been really busy. My son was ill as well and was sick all in my beautiful car, and I had the bug too. We've been quarantining ourselves... My Mum caught the bug from us, and so I'm putting an end to it! I'm not socialising until everyone else has got rid of this illness, I'm sick of passing it back and forth!

Other than that I've been trying to adjust to being by myself again. When my boyfriend is at home we can get things done because one of us looks after our son. When it's just me, I can only do things when he's asleep, so two hours in the middle of the day and then after 7:30pm. It usually takes me two weeks just to get my washing done and put away!

Right now I would LOVE to have more time to paint my nails and do some swatching (can't keep up with what I'm buying) but I'm just too busy.

And I've temporarily misplaced my camera... I'm so annoyed at myself. It's in my living room but I don't know where...

Here are some things I'm working on:

Swatches: I have a ton of polish to swatch, including the new Models Own Wonderland Collection. Yes I bought all of them! I hadn't planned on it and then when I saw them, they just jumped into my hand! 

Hair and Beauty Reviews: I'm about to start testing a new shampoo and conditioner to review on here, and as well as that, I just won a giveaway on Confessions of a Small Town Girl so I'll be letting you all know how I get on with my prizes. You can see what I won here if you want a preview!

New Features: I love my Five Favourites monthly feature, and it seems to be popular with you guys, so I'd love to do more things like that. I've got a couple of things in mind so I'm trying to narrow down the ideas and come up with something great! In all honestly, whatever ideas I come up with are more than likely to start in January for the New Year, rather than December, because with the move, it's going to be a manic month! Don't forget, you can always contact me at with any ideas for features you'd like to see!

A Blog Button: I wanted to make a blog button when I had my old blog layout but I always figured I'd change it eventually. Now I have a theme that's totally me and that I plan to keep, I'm going to make a button. When I do, I'll set up a grab button so if you have a blog and you're a fan of mine, you could put my little button on your page.

I'm trying my hardest to provide you with content that you'll enjoy! I appreciate every single one of my readers and the time you all take to read my blog, and I promise that I'll keep trying! At the moment I'm going through a stressful time, but it hasn't always been like this (as my regular posting days will tell you - can't believe I used to post every day!) so I assure you, it won't carry on! In a couple of months time I might even have a little blogging office set up and everything. 

All I ask is for your patience right now while I try to...

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